I wouldn%26#039;t take any offers. If you are able to get another credit card you can transfer the amount to another and get no finance charges for a year. But other than that...pay it off yourself because alot of companies that give you offers are not legit!
Should I take a offer for a credit card to pay a debt of 1972.00 on my credit rpt. Resurgent Capital Serv. LP.
you realize any time you dont pay your own debt in full this has a negative effect on your credit. same goes if you settle on an amount due on a credit card.
Should I take a offer for a credit card to pay a debt of 1972.00 on my credit rpt. Resurgent Capital Serv. LP.
It might have a little affect on your credit report but @ least its Payed off. Right? I would take it. I work for a credit Agency we give offers to people all the time. Better pay what they offered than the full amount.
Should I take a offer for a credit card to pay a debt of 1972.00 on my credit rpt. Resurgent Capital Serv. LP.
Although I hate saying this it depends.
If this Resurgent Capital Serv. LP is a debt collector than I wouldn%26#039;t do a credit card to pay it off in full. If you honestly do not have the money they will take partial cash settlements and that might be the only circumstances where it would pay. Just make sure if you contact them to do this that you DO NOT do anything until they have given you the following in writing:
1. That they are accepting XYZ amount to resolve the debt.
2. It must be worded that once you pay the amount from #1 the account is %26quot;PAID in FULL%26quot;
3. A date of when the offer expires, if you get the document after the expiration date of the offer (this is a trick they try sometimes) then call them back and get one with a valid date.
Again make sure that you have the written document in your hands before you send them a check. Also do not give them your account information to pay this off, send them a check with return signature required.
If it isn%26#039;t a collection agency then I would contact them about payoff terms and just explain you need to arrange payments. They might strong arm you and harrass you but be dilligent as you%26#039;re trying to do the right thing even if they aren%26#039;t. If you do this amount make sure you never and I stress never are late or miss a payment.
In either situation have a number in mind when you call: for #1 I%26#039;d say 40-70% of the original amount; for #2 I%26#039;d say the original amount plus some penalties.
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